Thursday, September 22, 2016

Diamante Poem

WALT entertain the reader - Diamantes are diamond-shaped poems ‘that contrast’ two nouns.
Success Criteria:
Step 1:  Think of two nouns that are complete opposite of each other.  Write one on Line 1 and the other on Line 7.
Step 2:  On Line 2, write two adjectives that describe the noun on Line 1.
Step 3:  On Line 3, write three “-ing” words (verbs) that relate to Line 1.
Step 4:  On Line 4, write a short phrase about line 1 and line 7.
Step 5:  On Line 5, write three “-ing” words (verbs) that relate to Line 7
Step 6:  On Line 6, write two adjectives that describe the noun on Line 7.
Step 7:  On Line 7 you will have your noun that you thought of in Step 1.

Frosty, bright
Skiing, snowball fighting, sledding
Icicles and snowflakes, family holidays
Swimming, suntanning, sweltering
Hot, sunny

Now have a go at writing your own diamante poem.

V8 holden
Fast, powerful
Growling, speeding, steering
Roaring while driving… sometimes driving quietly
Turning, steering, driving
Muddy, skiddy

Image result for hondaImage result for white holden v8


Fast, skinny
Riding, sliding, drifting
Pedaling while driving… noisy while driving
Biking, skidding, bracing
Shiny, muddy
Dirt bike

Image result for cool dirt bikesImage result for cool bmx bikes
Bmx Bike
dirt Bike

Friday, June 10, 2016

Cheetah PBL

Blake.Image result for cheetah
My Creature is:

My creature is a Cheetah.
Some things I needed to consider about my creature:

They need heaps of running space and they need meat to eat. They also need water to live.
My enclosure has these special features for my pet:

I liked the scratching bag and the bed because I liked the soft pillows. I also made a running space.
What I am pleased about:
I am pleased at how the house fitted together. Also I like that it has something  to play with, it had a scratching bag hanging from the roof.  I made it with cardboard, I got it into a small line and then I folded it in half and put some tape on it.  I put red lines on it to show the scratches.
What I have found tricky:

Putting up trees with the hot glue gun because it would not stay, and make it stay. Painting because it was getting all over me and not on my PBL.
What I would like to improve:

I would like to improve putting the leaves on for the grass.

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